An integrated multidisciplinary approach to children with Neurodevelopmental issues.
Spectrum of cases we handle
- Developmental delay
- Intellectual disability
- Cerebral Palsy
- Genetic Disorders, Chromosomal Anomaly
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ADHD
- Language disorder, learning disorder
- Speech delay
- Neuro regressive disorder
- Behavioral & Co-ordination Problems
Our Team
- Consultant Pediatrician
- Speech-Language Pathologist
- Audiology
- Clinical Psychologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Physiotherapist
- Social Worker
- Allied specialties: Psychiatry, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Neurology
Consultant Pediatrician
Clinical judgement, diagnose the case, assess early development with current strength and weakness and general pediatric assessment. Early screening at 18 to 24 months and surveillance if any developmental issue detected. Conducts periodical monitoring & assessment and subsequent management. All co-morbidities shall be taken care with the help of sub-specialties.
Speech-Language Pathology
Our expert team will provide appropriate training to correct speech and language issues
Examine and manage children with hearing loss and other Auditory Processing disorders that results in learning difficulties and other issues
Standard assessment and appropriate therapy to provide maximum quality of life and to increase functional ability
Occupational Therapy
Assess functional skills and ability to carry out age appropriate self-care and school-based tasks and provide apt therapy
Clinical Psychology
Assessment of developmental disorders using INCLEN diagnostic tool, ISAA, VSMS, IQ Tests and Behavioral Management using Applied Behavioral Analysis, Parent Management Training, Remediation and Psychotherapies
Social Worker
Helps to get benefits and aids from govt/schools
Audit & Research
This helps the team to evaluate the service provided and increase our knowledge